Welcome Message from CCPS

27 - 28 September 2022   |   Sheraton Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Letter from the CEO

CCPS and its over 230 global corporate members are working diligently to help eliminate process safety incidents globally.

CCPS has been holding the Middle East Process Safety Conference – or MEPSC - since 2015. With the continued success of increasing process safety awareness and sharing from these past events in the region, I am very pleased to have the 4th Edition of MEPSC, in-person, last 27 and 28 September 2022 in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. This conference was organized by CCPS and its members in the Middle East.

The theme of this conference is ‘Driving towards Process Safety Excellence’ and it is intended to focus on the key tenets of the CCPS Mission – to improve process safety knowledge, competencies, culture, collaboration and making process safety a key societal value in their organizations – to help eliminate process safety incidents.

To maximize the value of this conference, the MEPSC Technical Committee, made up of nearly 30 process safety leaders from CCPS member companies in the region, will be bringing world-class Keynotes and Panel discussion leaders, and offering over 30 process safety sharing presentations that will provide learning to drive toward process safety excellence in the region.

I’m confident that this conference provided meaningful opportunities for regional and global process safety professionals to learn best practices, network with each other, and took home ideas and practical solutions that they can implement in their organization to ‘Drive their organization towards Process Safety Excellence’.

Shakeel Kadri
Executive Director and CEO
Center for Chemical Process Safety


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